Hit the ground running...and don't die from doing it too much

I prefer being busy to being without anything to do. 

I think you know what I mean. I get used to flying all over place. Got class? BAM. I'm there. Institute? BAM. Got that checked off the list. Activities in your ward that you have to provide food for? BAM. Got that too. Homework that's due tonight at midnight?
Okay, so maybe that one gets a little harder to focus at times. 

I've basically been exhausted for the entire week. I feel like I'm running a marathon, going to class, doing adult responsibilities, working on homework...and then my body just collapses on me in fatigue. 

So I'm trying to find that balance in my life right now. 

I am a 22 year-old college student who has a job and a half (thanks, Mom and Dad) to pay for her many expenses, trying to get past the oh-so-dull accounting and business law classes to get her degree to make a difference in the world, and attempting to sing in the Orem Institute choir. Oh, besides that, I'm an active Mormon...which takes up any other free time I thought I had...especially as a a member of the Young Single Adult ward. #somanyactivities

Eh, what can I say? It's a give-and-take situation. At least the Mormon stuff is usually social with your neighbors. And you get free food, which is a plus. Every college student has at least one time in her life been pulled into an activity because they were offering a free meal. 

Such is life when you're poor. :D

But back to busyness and trying to find a balance. 

I'm still trying to figure it out. I realized four truths about scheduling my time wisely: 
  1. I absolutely, positively have to have breaks-which may or may not turn into ten minute naps- if I don't want to get burned out all at once. So every 45 min, allow for a 10-15 min break. :)
  2. Incorporate at least a total of thirty minutes of a social life into your day. 
  3. Stick to your friggin' schedule as much as possible. Allow for some adjustment, but just be sure to reschedule stuff like when you're going to do homework if something else comes up...because otherwise it won't get done.
  4. GO TO BED EARLY!!! I have not been doing this one very well this week...and my body is paying for it. Everyone is different, but I try to be in bed by about 10:30-11:00. Emphasis on the word try. 
So...yeah. Life tips. I've also learned, though, that it's totally possible when you put God first and foremost in your life. I'm getting better at scheduling in going to the temple at the beginning of my weekly plan rather than stress and try to squeeze it in at the end. Attending home evening is important, too. It's like what President Ezra Taft Benson said, a quote I also strive to live by every day: "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives" (see here for the link to that talk). 

This just means that God has our best interests at heart. He knows what's important to us, and He strives to help us achieve our goals and dreams to the best of His ability. He's promised that He's "bound when [we] do what [he] say[s]." He'll make things happen. He'll make sure you'll do well in your class, get that job that's ultimately going to be the best fit for you, have that eternal family, and become like Him so long as you follow His ways. 

It just takes a lot of patience and faith. But keep hanging in there. Keep adjusting your schedule. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever. 

And so am I. :)
